


Leila Tevlin, 25岁 社会学与人类学 major at 埃尔迈拉大学, had a life-changing road trip during fall 2022. The journey was part of a documentary program called "Roadtrip Nation," which often airs on public broadcast stations across the country. 该剧于2023年8月7日首播.

使用以下链接观看 预告片 为题为“被授权的国家”的四部分系列提供资料."

在旅途中, 特夫林和另外两个“公路旅行者”大卫·杨, 他是哥伦比亚大学计算机科学专业的学生, 和茱莉亚·德沃雷茨基, 他在纽约市做环境工程师, traveled across New York state to talk to professionals in the clean energy and sustainability fields while a film crew tagged along.

“At first it was really weird to have the camera on me all the time,特夫林说. “The crew collected a lot of b-roll, and there was a lot of, ‘can you do that again?“这放大了我的情绪.”

“It was cool though, I felt like a little movie star,” they added with a wry smile.

Roadtrip Nation aims to help young adults unsure about their career options gain more knowledge about their career possibilities. 通过讲故事的方式, Roadtrip Nation hopes to inspire other students who feel similarly uncertain about what career path to take.

特夫林成了一名公路旅行者, 在某种程度上, because they were struggling academically and were unsure if they were on the right path.

“当我来到mg冰球突破豪华版下载时, 我受到了一些文化冲击, 尤其是在科学领域,他们说. Tevlin最初计划主修 环境科学, but switched their major to 社会学与人类学 and is now minoring in Environmental Science. “我有很多骗子综合症, always feeling like others are smarter than me or had a better background.”

Tevlin, 杨, and Dworetzky met with sustainability professionals in Niagara Falls, 伊萨卡, 普拉茨堡, 奥尔巴尼, 和纽约市. The trio and their film crew also stopped at 埃尔迈拉大学 to film Tevlin as part of sharing their “backstory.”

Over the course of the trip, Tevlin grew close to 杨 and Dworetzky, as well as the small film crew. “我们成了一个小家庭.”

Tevlin, 谁是旅行中最年轻的, found plenty of things to learn from the older traveling companions.

“I related to David but I could see how he was better at handling a big workload and managing his stress. But I realized that we’re similar, so it made me understand that I could also manage a big workload.”

The roadtrippers spoke to a range of professionals including Niagara Falls Regional Manager Daniella Pipe and Rebecca Evans, 谁在为伊萨卡制定绿色新政. The trio also spoke with a flight tester who tests electric planes, 还有一个在可持续啤酒厂工作的人.

“可持续酿酒真的很酷. 他不喝酒,所以他只喝一小口,然后吐出来。.

特夫林在会见伊丽莎白·耶姆皮埃尔时说, 非营利组织UpRose的执行董事, 对他们有特别深远的影响吗.

“她是我的最爱,”他们说. “I’m brown and queer and she made me feel seen in ways I hadn’t seen before because navigating the world as a brown person is hard.”

Getting exposed to people with different types of roles helped Tevlin learn the range of possibilities that they were previously unaware of. 但这也帮助特夫林获得了一种新的自信.

“The workforce doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it's made out to be. The common theme I saw was that the degree the professionals got didn’t necessarily correlate with what they were doing,特夫林说. “One person who majored in Chinese 历史 ended up working for a startup in coding. 你是怎么从中国历史学到编程的? It doesn’t necessarily matter and it doesn’t have to define you unless you want it to.”

“Roadtrip Nation showed me it’s OK to follow my passion and see where it goes,” Tevlin added.

Before Roadtrip Nation, Tevlin created a vlog for 埃尔迈拉大学, giving a 直接看 at the College’s inaugural Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice. And while Tevlin continues to weigh what career path to take after graduation, they know that their passion for sustainability and environmental science will be a part of their journey.
